The Second Sunday of Lent is a semi-double. No feast can take precedence over it or any such a Sunday. The Gospel pericope is St. Matthew's account of the LORD's Transfiguration.
At Vespers, yesterday morning, the antiphons and psalms (143, 144, 145, 146 & 147) were of Saturday, the chapter proper. The Lenten hymn Audi benigne conditor was sung. After the collect of the Sunday a commemoration of SS Faustinus and Jovita was sung and then Suffrages were sung of the BVM Sancta Maria succurre etc, the Apostles Petrus Apostolus etc, of the Patron and lastly for peace Da pacem Domine etc. At Compline the Dominical preces were sung.
At Mattins the invitatory is Non sit vobis and the hymn is Ex more. These are both used throughout the first four weeks of Lent. In the first nocturn psalms 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14 are sung. In the first nocturn the lessons are from the Book of Genesis. In the second nocturn psalms 15, 16 & 17 are sung, the lessons are from St. Augustine's Book against Liars. In the third nocturn psalms 18, 19 & 20 are sung and the lessons are a homily from St. Leo on the Gospel. The ninth lesson is of SS Faustinus and Jovita.
At Lauds the antiphons are proper to the Second Sunday and sung with Pss. 50, 117, 62-66, Benedicite, 148-149-150. The hymn is Jam Christe sol justitiae. The versicle after the hymn Angelis suis, chapter, antiphon at the Benedictus and collect are proper to the Sunday (the versicle and its response being used throughout Lent). A commemoration of SS Faustinus and Jovita is sung followed by the Suffrages of the BVM Sancta Maria succurre etc, the Apostles Gloriosi principes etc, of the Patron and lastly for peace Da pacem Domine etc are sung.
At Prime the order of psalmody is Pss. 53, 92, 118(i), 118(ii) and Quicumque, the 'Athanasian' Creed. The Dominical preces are sung. At all the Hours the antiphons and chapters are proper.
In Mass there is no Gloria, the second collect is of SS Faustinus and Jovita, the third collect is A cunctis nos. A Tract replaces the Alleluia after the Gradual, the Credo is sung and the preface of Lent is sung. Benedicamus Domino is sung as the dismissal and the ministers wear violet folded chasubles in place of dalmatic and tunicle.
Vespers are of the Sunday. The antiphons and psalms of Sunday are sung. The hymn Ad preces nostras Deitatis aures is sung. After the collect of the day the Suffrages are sung of the BVM Sancta Maria succurre etc, the Apostles Petrus Apostolus etc, of the Patron and lastly for peace Da pacem Domine etc.
After Vespers of the Sunday Vespers of the Dead are sung. In practice this Vespers was often joined with Mattins and Lauds of the Dead which are also prescribed in Lent after Mattins and Lauds of Monday.
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Sunday, 21 February 2010
February 8th - First Sunday in Lent

The First Sunday of Lent is a semi-double. No feast can take precedence over it or any such a Sunday. The Gospel pericope is St. Matthew's account of the LORD's temptation by Satan in the desert.
At Vespers, yesterday morning, the antiphons and psalms (143, 144, 145, 146 & 147) were of Saturday, the chapter proper. The Lenten hymn Audi benigne conditor was sung. After the collect of the Sunday Suffrages were sung of the BVM Sancta Maria succurre etc, the Apostles Petrus Apostolus etc, of the Patron and lastly for peace Da pacem Domine etc. At Compline the Dominical preces were sung.
At Mattins the invitatory is Non sit vobis and the hymn is Ex more. These are both used throughout the first four weeks of Lent. In the first nocturn psalms 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14 are sung. In the first nocturn the lessons are from the Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians. The second lesson runs longer than in modern versions of the Breviary with the addition of Propter quod...Dominus omnipotens. The third lesson also is longer, beginning at the first verse of Ch. 7 with Has ergo vobis preceding the text found in modern editions. In the second nocturn psalms 15, 16 & 17 are sung, the lessons are from St. Leo and again give more of his sermon than found in modern editions. In the third nocturn psalms 18, 19 & 20 are sung and the lessons are a homily from St. Gregory on the Gospel. Yet again the text found in the Tridentine Breviary is truncated in later editions.
At Lauds the antiphons are proper to Quadragesima Sunday and sung with Pss. 50, 117, 62-66, Benedicite, 148-149-150. The hymn is Jam Christe sol justitiae. The versicle after the hymn Angelis suis, chapter, antiphon at the Benedictus and collect are proper to the Sunday (the versicle and its response being used throughout Lent). The Suffrages of the BVM Sancta Maria succurre etc, the Apostles Gloriosi principes etc, of the Patron and lastly for peace Da pacem Domine etc are sung.
At Prime the order of psalmody is Pss. 53, 92, 118(i), 118(ii) and Quicumque, the 'Athanasian' Creed. The Dominical preces are sung. At all the Hours the antiphons and chapters are proper.
In Mass there is no Gloria, the second collect is A cunctis nos, the third Omnipotens. A Tract replaces the Alleluia after the Gradual, the Credo is sung and the preface of Lent is sung. Benedicamus Domino is sung as the dismissal and the ministers wear violet folded chasubles in place of dalmatic and tunicle.
Vespers are of the Sunday. The antiphons and psalms of Sunday are sung. The hymn Ad preces nostras Deitatis aures is sung. After the collect of the day the Suffrages are sung of the BVM Sancta Maria succurre etc, the Apostles Petrus Apostolus etc, of the Patron and lastly for peace Da pacem Domine etc.
After Vespers of the Sunday Vespers of the Dead are sung. In practice this Vespers was often joined with Mattins and Lauds of the Dead which are also prescribed in Lent after Mattins and Lauds of Monday.
Art: Jerome Nadal
Sunday, 14 February 2010
February 1st - Quinquagesima Sunday

Quinquagesima Sunday is a semi-double. The Epistle consists of perhaps one of the most famous pericopes in the NT, St. Paul's discourse to the Corinthians on faith, hope and charity. The Gospel from St. Luke has the story of the granting of sight to the man born blind.
At Vespers yesterday the antiphons and psalms were of Saturday, the chapter, antiphon at the Magnificat and collect proper to Quinquagesima Sunday. The Suffrages were sung of the BVM Sancta Maria succurre etc, the Apostles Petrus Apostolus etc, of the Patron and lastly for peace Da pacem Domine etc. At Compline the Dominical preces were sung.
At Mattins, as for Septuagesima Sunday, the invitatorium is Praeoccupemus and the hymn Primo dierum. In the first nocturn psalms 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14 are sung. The lessons from Genesis are the beginning of the story of Abraham. In the second nocturn psalms 15, 16 & 17 are sung, the lessons are from St. Ambrose on the Patriarch Abraham. The fifth lesson is slightly shorter than in modern editions: Sed ideo addidit...Sequere Deum. The sixth lesson begins at the preceding verse to modern editions, Facto praevenit... In the third nocturn psalms 18, 19 & 20 are sung and the lessons are a homily from St. Gregory on the Gospel. The ninth responsory, Caecus sedebat, is sung in place of the Te Deum.
At Lauds the antiphons are proper to Quinquagesima Sunday and sung with Pss. 50, 117, 62-66, Benedicite, 148-149-150. The versicle after the hymn Aeterne, chapter, antiphon at the Benedictus and collect are proper to the Sunday. The Suffrages of the BVM Sancta Maria succurre etc, the Apostles Gloriosi principes etc, of the Patron and lastly for peace Da pacem Domine etc are sung.
At Prime the order of psalmody is Pss. 53, 92, 118(i), 118(ii) and Quicumque, the 'Athanasian' Creed. The Dominical preces are sung. At all the Hours the antiphons and chapters are proper.
In Mass there is no Gloria, the second collect is Deus, qui salutis, the third Ecclesiae or for the pope. A Tract replaces the Alleluia after the Gradual, the Credo is sung and the Common Preface is sung. Following the general rule as the Gloria is not sung Benedicamus Domino is sung as the dismissal. The ministers wear violet dalmatic and tunicle and the organ may be played.
Vespers are first Vespers of the Purification of the BVM (Candlemass). The antiphons from the Circumcision, O admirabile commercium etc, are sung with the psalms of the BVM. A commemorations is ssung of the Sunday. At Compline (Pss. 4, 30 vv 1-6, 90, 133) the Dominical preces are not sung because of the double feast. Te lucis is sung to the melody for feast of the BVM and has the Doxology Gloria tibi Domine etc.
The semi-double feast of St. Igatius of Antioch is transferred to Tuesday. After tomorrow's celebration of the satellite feast of the Nativity the Christmas decorations come down followed the start of Lent on Wednesday. In the Byzantine liturgy today is a rare example where a feast is anticipated. Candlemass is celebrated today as tomorrow is 'Clean Monday', the beginning of Great Lent.
Art: Jerome Nadal
Sunday, 7 February 2010
January 25th - Sexagesima Sunday

Today is Sexagesima Sunday, it is of semi-double rite. The Sunday is characterised by a very lengthy Epistle, from St. Paul to the Corinthians. The Gospel pericopes are from St. Luke and the parable of the sower with his seed landing on rock, amongst weeds and the good ground.
At Vespers yesterday the antiphons and psalms were of Saturday, the chapter, antiphon at the Magnificat and collect proper to Sexagesima Sunday. A commemoration of St. Timothy was sung followed by the Suffrages of the BVM Sancta Maria succurre etc, the Apostles Petrus Apostolus etc, of the Patron and lastly for peace Da pacem Domine etc. At Compline the Dominical preces were sung.
At Mattins, as for Septuagesima Sunday, the invitatorium is Praeoccupemus and the hymn Primo dierum. In the first nocturn psalms 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14 are sung. The lessons are from Genesis are read concerning the story of Noah. The lessons differ, being longer, from those found in modern editions of the Breviary: LI: Noe vero cum...Poenitet enim me fecusse eos. LII: Noe vero invenit...tristega facies in ea. LIII: Ecce ego...Fecit igitur omnia quae praeceperat illi Deus. (6:17 - 22). In the second nocturn psalms 15, 16 & 17 are sung, the lessons are from St. Ambrose on Noah and the Ark and in the third nocturn the lessons are a homily from St. Gregory on the Gospel of the seed falling on good and poor ground. Again the length of lessons differs slightly to modern editions: LVIII: Exponendo ergo...Solae autem divitiae verae sunt, quae nos divites virtutibus faciunt. LIX: Si ergo, fratres carissimi ... in memoria non tenetis. The ninth responsory, Cum turba plurima, is sung in place of the Te Deum.
At Lauds the antiphons are proper to the Sunday and sung with Pss. 50, 117, 62-66, Benedicite, 148-149-150. The versicle after the hymn Aeterne, chapter, antiphon at the Benedictus and collect are proper to the Sunday. The Suffrages of the BVM Sancta Maria succurre etc, the Apostles Gloriosi principes etc, of the Patron and lastly for peace Da pacem Domine etc are sung.
At Prime the order of psalmody is Pss. 53, 92, 118(i), 118(ii) and Quicumque, the 'Athanasian' Creed. The Dominical preces are sung. At all the Hours the antiphons and chapters are proper.
In Mass there is no Gloria, the second collect is Deus, qui salutis, the third Ecclesiae or for the pope. A Tract replaces the Alleluia after the Gradual, the Credo is sung and the Common Preface is sung. Following the general rule as the Gloria is not sung Benedicamus Domino is sung as the dismissal. The ministers wear violet dalmatic and tunicle.
Vespers are first Vespers of the transferred feast of the Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle. The Office is proper. Commemorations are sung of St. Peter the Apostle, the Sunday and St. Polycarp. At Compline (Pss. 4, 30 vv 1-6, 90, 133)the Dominical preces are not sung because of the double feast.
Art: Jerome Nadal
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