The tenth Sunday after Pentecost is of semi-double rite and the liturgical colour is green. This year it is the second Sunday of August. The semi-double feast of SS Cyriacus, Largus and Smaragdus is transferred to Monday.
At Vespers yesterday afternoon the antiphons and psalms of Saturday (Pss. 143, 144, 145, 146 & 147) were sung. The chapter was O Altitudo and the Office hymn was O lux beata Trinitas. The antiphon on the Magnificat was Ego in altissimis for the Saturday before the second Sunday of August. After the collect of the Sunday the Suffrages of the BVM Sancta Maria succurre etc, the Apostles Petrus Apostolus etc, of the Patron and lastly for peace Da pacem Domine were sung. At Compline the Dominical preces were sung.
At Mattins the invitatory is Adoremus Dominum and the Office hymn is Nocte surgentes. In the first nocturn (Pss. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14)the lessons are from the Incipit of the Book of Ecclesiastes. The second lesson is longer than that found in modern editions of the Breviary and continues with what is now the beginning of the third lesson, Ego Ecclesiastes fui rex Israel... until ...ut occuparentur in ea. The third lesson begins Vidi cuncta... and continue until ...addit dolorum ending with the last verse of Ch. 1. In the second nocturn (Pss. 15, 16 & 17) the lessons are from the homily of St. Chrysostom against concubines. These are considerably longer than those found in modern recensions so that the text of the sixth lesson is entirely absent from the modern books. In the third nocturn (Pss. 18, 19 & 20) the homily is from St. Augustine on St. Luke's Gospel. These are considerably longer in the Tridentine Breviary than the form found in modern editions so the text of the ninth lesson is now entirely absent the modern editions. The Te Deum is sung.
At Lauds the Sunday psalms (Pss. 92, 99, 62-66, Benedicite & 148-49-150) are sung. The Office hymn is Ecce jam noctis. After the collect of the Sunday the Suffrages of the BVM Sancta Maria succurre etc, the Apostles Gloriosi principes etc, of the Patron and lastly for peace Da pacem Domine etc are sung.
At Prime (Pss. 53, 117, 118i & 118ii) both Quicumque and the Dominical preces are sung.
Mass is sung after Terce. The Gloria is sung, the second collect is A cunctis, the third collect is chosen by the Dean or Rector. The Creed and the common Preface are sung.
Vespers are of the Sunday (Pss. 109, 110, 111, 112 & 113). The Office hymn is Lucis creator. After the collect of the Sunday commemorations are sung of the following, transferred feast of SS. Cyriacus, Largus and Smaragdus and of St. Romanus followed by the Suffrages of the BVM Sancta Maria succurre etc, the Apostles Petrus Apostolus etc, of the Patron and, lastly, for peace Da pacem Domine etc. At Compline the Dominical preces are sung.
Art: Jerome Nadal
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