Monday 1 March 2010

February 16th - The Office of a Lenten Ferial Day

The ferial Office in Lent could never be described as prolix. The Office of Monday in the Second Week of Lent will be outlined below.

Before Mattins and Lauds of the day Mattins and Lauds of the Little Office of the BVM, the Officium Parvum is sung. Mattins of the Little Office follows a similar structure to the Office of the day. The invitatory, Ave Maria gratia plena Dominus tecum, is sung with Ps. 94. The hymn is Quem terra. Then follows one nocturn consisting of the antiphons and psalms of the first nocturn of the Common of the BVM, Ps. 8, 18 & 23. A versicle and response, Diffusa est gratia and Propterea benedixit, are followed by a Pater noster, absolution and the reader asking a blessing. Three, fixed, readings and responsories follow. Mattins is followed by Lauds. The antiphons are those used on the feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God with the festal psalms: Ps. 92, 99, 62-66, Benedicite, 148-149-150. The chapter, Viderunt, is followed by the hymn, versicle & response and antiphon on the Benedictus. After the repitition of the antiphon after the canticle Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison is sung before the collect. A Suffrage 'for the Saints' follows with an antiphon, versicle & response and, interestingly, two collects under one conclusion.

Mattins and Lauds of the Monday of the Second Week of Lent now follow. In the nocturn psalms 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 & 37. The lessons are from a homily of St. Augustine on St. John's Gospel. Ferial Lauds follow with psalms 50, 5, 62-66,the Canticle of Isaiah, 148-149-150. The ferial preces, including the psalm De profundis, are chanted, kneeling. The Suffrage of the BVM is omitted when the Officium Parvum is sung. However the Suffrages of the Cross, SS Peter and Paul, of the Patron and for Peace are sung.

After Mattins and Lauds of the day, on Mondays of Lent not impeded by feast of nine lessons, Mattins and Lauds of the Dead then follow. Unlike the Officium Parvum and Office of the day, Mattins of the Dead does not have an invitatory on such days and consists of one nocturn of three psalms (5, 6 & 7) followed by three lessons and responsories. After the third responsory Lauds follow. Psalms 50, 64, 62-66, the Canticle of Ezechias, 148-149-150. Instead of Gloria Patri at the end of the psalms and canticles Requiem aeternam & Et lux perpetua is sung. After the Benedictus a Pater noster is said, kneeling, followed by the psalm De profundis, a short series of preces and then three collects under one conclusion.

Then follows Prime of the day with psalms 53, 23, 118(i) & 118(ii). The Dominical and ferial preces are sung, kneeling. Before the reading of the Martyrology Prime of the BVM is interpolated (Pss. 53, 84 & 116). Prime of the Officium Parvum follows a very simple structure on the model of Terce, Sext and None in the major Office. Then Prime of the day is resumed with Pretiosa etc. Terce from the Officium Parvum (Pss. 119, 120 & 121) follows Terce of the day. Sext from the Officium Parvum (Pss. 122, 123 & 124) follows Sext of the day. Then None from the Officium Parvum (Pss. 125, 126 & 127) follows None of the day. (Note the sequence of psalms at the Hours of the Officium Parvum which we will return to in a later post.) At Terce, Sext and None of the day the ferial preces are sung, kneeling.

After None of the BVM. Mass is sung. The ministers wear folded chasubles. There is no Gloria, the second collect is A cunctis nos, the third Omnipotens. The preface is of Lent and the dismissal Benedicamus Domino.

Vespers follow Mass. As tomorrow is not a feast of nine lessons Vespers of the Officium Parvum are celebrated before Vespers of the day. Vespers of the BVM are from the Common of the BVM and have psalms 109, 112, 121, 126 & 147. After the repitition of the antiphon on the Magnificat Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison are sung followed by the collect and the Suffrage 'pro Sanctis' as at Lauds. Vespers of the day then follow. Psalms 114, 115, 116, 119 & 120 are sung. The ferial preces, including the psalm Miserere, follow the repitition of the antiphon on the Magnificat, sung kneeling. The Suffrage of the BMV is omitted but the Suffrage of the Cross, of SS Peter and Paul, the Patron and for Peace are sung.

After Vespers a good lunch of Barnacle Goose or other fish the afternoon is free for other pursuits. At the normal time Compline of the day with its invariable psalms (4, 30, 90, 133) is followed by Compline of the Officium Parvum (Pss. 128, 129 & 130) followed by Mattins of the Officium Parvum and Mattins of the day. Only on Mondays is the Office of the Dead sung. So Tuesday only has the Officium Parvum and Office of the Day. Wednesday, as will be seen, will have in addition the Gradual Psalms.

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