The Second Sunday after Pascha is of semi-double rite and its liturgical colour is white.
At Vespers yesterday afternoon the psalms for Saturday (Pss. 143, 144, 145, 146 & 147) were sung under the single antiphon, Alleluia. The chapter, Carissimi: Christus passus est pro nobis etc, was proper to the Sunday, the Office hymn was Ad coenam Agni providi and the antiphon on the Magnificat was Ego sum pastor ovium. After the collect of the Sunday the Commemoration of the Cross was sung. At Vespers this consists of the antiphon Crucem sanctam subiit qui infernum confregit, accinctus est potentia, surrexit die teria, Alleluia. the V & R, Dicite in nationibus, Alleluia and Quia Dominus regnavit a ligno, Alleluia and the collect Deus, qui pro nobis Filium tuum crucis patibulum. The Commemoration of the Cross is sung at both Vespers and Lauds when the Office if of semi-double rite or below from the Monday after Dominica in Albis. At Compline (Pss. 4, 30 vv 1-6, 90 & 133) Te lucis was sung to the Paschal tone with the Doxology Gloria tibi Domine etc and the Dominical preces were sung.
At Mattins the invitatory and hymn are sung as last Sunday. Again, at the nocturns the psalms are sung under a single antiphon. In the first nocturn (Pss. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14) the lessons are from the Acts of the Apostles. The first lesson is the same as in modern recensions. The second lesson begins Et exinde but continues Viri fratres...a Pilato , ut interficerent eum. The third lesson begins Cumque consummasssent omnia and continues for several additional verse ending with Quem vero Deus suscitavit a mortuis, non vidit corruptionem. In the second nocturn (Pss. 15, 16 & 17) the lessons are taken from the first sermon on the Ascension of the Lord by St. Leo. These are the same as in the later editions. In the third nocturn (Pss. 18, 19 & 20) the homily is from St. Gregory, again the text is the same as in the post-Clementine editions.
At Lauds psalms 92, 99 & 62-66 are sung under the nine-fold Alleluia. Benedicite is sung under the antiphon Surrexit Christus and psalms 148-49-150 are sung under the antiphon Alleluia. The Office hymn is Aurora lucis rutilat. The Commemoration of the Cross is sung after the collect of the Sunday. The antiphon for the Commemoration at Lauds is Crucifixus surrexit a mortuis, et redemit nos, alleluia, alleluia. The V & R and collect are the same as those that are sung at Vespers.
At the Hours the hymns have the Paschal Doxology. The psalms are sung under an antiphon consisting of a four-fold Alleluia. At Prime (Pss. 53, 118i, 118ii) both Quicumque and the Dominical preces are sung.
Mass is sung after Terce. The Gloria is sung, the second collect is Concede nos, the third collect is Ecclesiae. The Creed is sung and the preface is that of Paschaltide.
Vespers are of the Sunday, with the psalms (Pss. 109, 110, 111, 112 & 113) sung under a single antiphon. After the collect of the Sunday a commemoration is sung of the following feast of SS Soter and Caius followed by the Commemoration of the Cross. At Compline (Pss. 4, 30 vv 1-6, 90 & 133) the Dominical preces are sung.
Art: Jerome Nadal
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